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新生儿心电图解释指南(英).pdf European Heart Journal (2002) 23, 1329–1344 doi:10.1053/euhj.2002.3274, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on Task Force ReportGuidelines for the interpretation of the neonatal electrocardiogram A Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology P. J. Schwartz1 (Chair), A. Garson, Jr2, T. Paul3, M. Stramba-Badiale4, V. L. Vetter5, E. Villain6 and C. Wren7 1Department of Cardiology, University of Pavia and IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo, Pavia, Italy; 2University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, U.S.A.; 3The Children’s Heart Program of South Carolina, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, U.S.A.; 4Pediatric Arrhythmias Center, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy; 5Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.; 6Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades, Paris, France; 7Department of Paediatric Cardiology, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.Correspondence: Peter J. Schwartz, MD, FESC, FACC,, FAHA, Professor & Chairman, Department of Cardiology, Policlinico S. Matteo IRCCS, Viale Golgi, 19-27100 Pavia, Italy.0195-668X/02/$35.00  2002 Published byIntroduction Most cardiologists who care for adults have no or minimal experience with electrocardiograms (ECGs) recorded in infants. So far, this has had no practical implications because only seldom are they requested to examine a neonatal ECG. This situation, however, may change as some European countries have begun to consider the possibility of introduc- ing in their National Health Services the performance of an ECG during the first month of life in all newborns, as part of a cardiovascular screening programme.Introduction.............................................................1329 Normal electrocardiogram in the newborn .............1330 Normal values......................................................1330 Technology ..........................................................1330 Artefacts...............................................................1332 Electrocardiographic measurements ....................1332 Heart rate.............................................................1332 P wave..................................................................1332 QRS complex.......................................................1332 QT interval ..........................................................1333 ST segment and T wave ......................................1333 Abnormal electrocardiogram in the newborn .........1333 Heart rate.............................................................1333 Sinus arrhythmia..............................................1333 Sinus tachycardia .............................................1333 Sinus bradycardia.............................................1335 Other bradycardias...........................................1335 P wave..................................................................1335 Atrioventricular conduction.................................1335 Complete (3rd) atrioventricular block .............1335 1st and 2nd atrioventricular block...................1336 Intraventricular conduction .................................1336 Bundle branch block ........................................1336 Non-specific intraventricular conduction abnormalities....................................................1336 Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome ..................1336 QRS axis and amplitude......................................1338 Right ventricular hypertrophy .........................1338E Left ventricular hypertrophy............................1338 Low QRS voltage.............................................1338 Ventricular repolarization....................................1338 QT prolongation: differential diagnosis ...........1339 Long QT syndrome..........................................1339 ST segment elevation .......................................1341 Atrial and ventricular arrhythmias......................1341 Atrial/junctional ...............................................1341 Premature atrial beats ..................................1341 Supraventricular tachycardia........................1342 Atrial flutter .................................................1342 Ventricular arrhythmias ...................................1342 Premature ventricular beats..........................1342 Ventricular tachycardia ................................1343 Accelerated ventricular rhythm ....................1343 Conclusion...............................................................1343 Acknowledgements ..................................................1343 References................................................................1343lsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The European Society of Cardiology 1330 Task Force ReportThe background of this evolution is multiple, but it lies largely in the realization that early identification of life-threatening arrhythmogenic disorders, which often manifest in infancy, childhood or even later, may allow initiation of effective preventive therapy. A large prospective study has indicated that some in- fants with prolonged QT interval in the first week of life had sudden death, and would have previously been labelled as victims of the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome[1]. Furthermore, in infants with this diag- nosis, post-mortem molecular screening may reveal the presence of the long QT syndrome (LQTS)[2]. As with most screening tests, a single ECG must be put into context (e.g. family history, etc.). Additionally, it is traditional to examine neonatal ECGs looking for those with parameters below the 2nd or exceeding the 98th percentile. While it is true that these values are ‘abnormal’ in a strict statistical sense, very often ‘abnormality’ does not imply the presence of a disease, or of a risk for clinically relevant events. This depends largely on the parameter under examination. However, also the reverse may be true and, in the neonate, a completely normal ECG may be seen with multiple types of congenital heart defects and with the entire spectrum of arrhythmias. This call for caution does not detract from the valid concept that the identification of ECG abnormalities in the newborn can be the first step toward a meaningful act of preventive medicine. Should this neonatal screening indeed be intro- duced as part of National Health Services, then hos- pital cardiologists — most of whom are unfamiliar with neonatal ECGs — would be asked to read these tracings. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) has realized the potential implications for European cardiologists and for health care, and has acted ac- cordingly. Through the Committee for Practice Guidelines and Policy Conferences, chaired by Werner Klein, it has instituted this Task Force. The experts were designated by the Guidelines Committee and approved by the Board of the ESC. The panel was composed of physicians and scientists involved in clinical practice in University and non-University hos- pitals. Members were selected to represent experts of different European countries; in addition, two non- European members were included for their worldwide recognized expertise in the field of pediatric electro- cardiography. The ESC considers medical education and the improvement of clinical practice among its major obligations. The main objective of the present report is to present adult cardiologists with a consensus document designed to provide guidelines for the interpretation of the neonatal ECG, focusing on the most clinically relevant abnormalities and on the ensuing management and referral options. This document aims also at providing paediatricians and neonatologists with updated information of clinical relevance that can be detected from a neonatal ECG.Eur Heart J, Vol. 23, issue 17, September 2002The procedure used for developing and issuing these guidelines was in accordance with the recently issued ‘Recommendations for Task Force creation and report writing’, (http://www.escardio.org/scinfo/guidelines_ recommendations.htm) which is a position document of the ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines and Policy Conferences. This document was reviewed and approved by the Commitee for Practice Guidelines and Policy Confer- ences. It was endorsed by the Board of the ESC and represents the official position of the ESC with regard to this subject. These guidelines will be reviewed two years after publication and considered as current unless the ‘Guidelines’ Committee revises or withdraws them from circulation. This Task Force was financed by the budget of the Committee for Practice Guidelines and Policy Confer- ences of the ESC and was independent of any commer- cial, health or governmental authorities.Normal electrocardiogram in the newbornNormal values Changes occur in the normal ECG from birth to adult life. They relate to developmental changes in physiology, body size, the position and size of the heart relative to the body, and variations in the size and position of the cardiac chambers relative to each other. The major changes in the paediatric ECG occur in the first year of life with the majority of normal adult values being abnormal in the newborn. Likewise, many normal new- born values and patterns would be abnormal in the adult. Normal electrocardiographic values in the paedi- atric population traditionally derive from those pub- lished in 1979 by Davignon et al.[3]. From the ECGs of 1027 infants less than 1 year of age and among these, 668 in the first month of life, the percentile distribution of electrocardiographic variables was calculated. It is im- portant to refer to tables of normal values as shown in Table 1. A recent large study by Rijnbeek et al.[4] included an extremely low number of neonates (n=44) but no one below 3 weeks of age. Thus, the percentile tables published by Davignon are recommended for use in clinical practice. Other references on the reading of ECGs in neonates and children are available[5,6].Technology The normal newborn ECG should include 12 leads. Other leads, V3R, V4R and V7, may provide additional information to evaluate possible congenital heart lesions. The current use of computerized digital ECG systems affects newborn ECGs to a greater extent than those of older children or adults[7]. The newborn ECG may have Task Force Report 1331T ab le 1 N or m al ne on at al E C G st an da rd s* A ge gr ou p H ea rt ra te (b ea ts .m in  1 ) F ro nt al pl an e Q R S ax is a (d eg re es ) P w av e am pl it ud e (m m ) P -R in te rv al a (s ) Q R S du ra ti on a V 5 Q II Ic (m m ) Q V 6 c (m m ) R V 1 b (m m ) SV 1 b (m m ) R /S V 1 c R V 6 b (m m ) SV 6 b (m m ) R /S V 6 c SV 1 + R V 6 c (m m ) R + SV 4 c (m m ) 0– 1 da ys 93 –1 54 (1 23 ) + 59 to + 19 2 (1 35 ) 2· 8 0· 08 –0 ·1 6 (0 ·1 1) 0· 02 –0 ·0 8 (0 ·0 5) 5· 2 1· 7 5– 26 0– 22 ·5 9· 8 0– 11 0– 9· 8 10 28 52 1– 3 da ys 91 –1 59 (1 23 ) + 64 to + 19 7 (1 34 ) 2· 8 0· 08 –0 ·1 4 (0 ·1 1) 0· 02 –0 ·0 7 (0 ·0 5) 5· 2 2· 1 5– 27 0– 21 6 0– 12 0– 9· 5 11 29 52 3– 7 da ys 90 –1 66 (1 29 ) + 77 to + 18 7 (1 32 ) 2· 9 0· 08 –0 ·1 4 (0 ·1 0) 0· 02 –0 ·0 7 (0 ·0 5) 4· 8 2· 8 3– 24 0– 17 9· 7 0· 5– 12 0– 9· 8 10 25 48 7– 30 da ys 10 7– 18 2 (1 49 ) + 65 to + 16 0 (1 10 ) 3· 0 0· 07 –0 ·1 4 (0 ·1 0) 0· 02 –0 ·0 8 (0 ·0 5) 5· 6 2· 8 3– 21 ·5 0– 11 7 2· 5– 16 0– 9· 8 12 22 47 1– 3 m on th s 12 1– 17 9 (1 50 ) + 31 to + 11 4 (7 5) 2· 6 0· 07 –0 ·1 3 (0 ·1 0) 0· 02 –0 ·0 8 (0 ·0 5) 5· 4 2· 7 3– 18 ·5 0– 12 ·5 7· 4 5– 21 0– 7· 2 12 29 53 F ro m re f. [3 ]. a 2n d– 98 th pe rc en ti le (m ea n) b 2n d– 98 th pe rc en ti le (1 m m = 10 0 V ) c 9 8t h pe rc en ti le (1 m m = 10 0 V ) Eur Heart J, Vol. 23, issue 17, September 2002 1332 Task Force Reporta higher voltage and shorter duration QRS complexes resulting in a higher percentage of high frequency com- ponents. The recommendations of a number of groups vary as to the best bandwidth cutoffs and sampling frequency to reduce error[8,9]. Higher bandwidth cutoffs may alter amplitude of signals by as much as 46%[10]. This would make standards determined from analogue signals or digitized signals at lower sampling rates and lower frequency cutoffs different from those at higher settings. The current American Heart Association rec- ommendation for paediatric ECGs is 150 Hz as a mini- mum bandwidth cutoff and 500 Hz as a minimum sampling rate[11]. The Rijnbeek study reported normals using a higher sampling rate of 1200 Hz. Compared to Davignon’s study, which used a sampling rate of 333 Hz, the newborn upper limits in Rijnbeek’s study were 12–25% higher than in Davignon’s[3,4].Artefacts Artefacts are common in newborn ECGs and include limb lead reversal and incorrect chest lead positioning. In addition, electrical interference, usually 60 cycles, can occur in hospital settings from bedside monitors, warmers or other equipment. Other artefacts occur because of various types of patient movement common in neonates. These artefacts may be random as with hiccoughs or limb movement. Normal complexes are seen along with the artefacts, and the intrinsic rhythm of the patient is not affected. Other common artefacts include a fine, often irregular undu- lation of the baseline from muscle tremors or jitteriness. Again, the intrinsic rhythm is not affected. The size of the QRS complex and the baseline may wander in a cyclic fashion with respirations. It should be noted that the neonate breathes from 30–60 times per min. The main clue in determining the presence of an artefact is to evaluate whether it affects the intrinsic rhythm and if it is timed such that it could be a true depolarization. A signal within 80 ms from a true QRS complex could not occur from an electrophysiologic point of view.Electrocardiographic measurements Because of the current limitations of electronic measure- ments in newborn ECGs, intervals should be hand measured as the computerized systems are often inaccu- rate in the newborn. Intervals in children increase with increasing age, reaching most of the adult normal values by 7–8 years of age.Heart rate Heart rate can be determined by a variety of methods. It should be noted that normal neonates may have ratesEur Heart J, Vol. 23, issue 17, September 2002between 150–230 beats . min1, especially if they are crying or agitated. Over 200 beats . min1, one-half small box can make an appreciable difference in heart rates. Heart rates between the 2nd and 98th percentile in the first year of life are shown in Table 1. The normal heart rate increases from the first day of life, it reaches a peak between the first and the second month and then de- clines returning to the values recorded at birth by the sixth month. During the following 6 months, it remains rather stable and then slowly declines after 1 year due to maturation of vagal innervation of the sinus node[12]. Clinically significant gender differences in heart rate are not seen in the neonatal period.P wave The P wave axis is a vector indicating the direction of activation, which is away from the site of origin. By identifying the quadrant location of the P wave axis one can determine the site of origin of the rhythm. For example, sinus rhythm originates in the high right atrium transcribing a P wave with an axis in the quad- rant bordered by 0 and +90. Measurements are avail- able for P wave amplitude (Table 1). The P wave is generally pointed in lead II and aVF and more rounded in other leads. Lead V1 may be diphasic. The PR interval is measured from the onset of the P wave to the Q or R wave if no Q wave is present. The PR interval, measured in lead II, increases with age and decreases with heart rate. The normal neonatal PR interval ranges from a minimum of 70 ms to a maximum of 140 ms, with a mean of 100 ms.QRS complex The normal full-term neonate has an axis between 55 and 200 but by 1 month, the normal upper limit has fallen to 160 or less. Although one might identify an axis of 120 as right axis deviation in an adult, it is a normal finding in a newborn. The QRS axis in the premature newborn ECG ranges between 65 and 174. The duration of the QRS complex is measured from the beginning to the end of the ventricular depolariz- ation complex and it should be measured in a lead with an initial Q wave[5]. QRS duration in the newborn and infant is narrow (<80 ms). Normal QRS duration in- creases with age. Normal values for QRS complex duration in lead V5 are displayed in Table 1. QRS morphology in the newborn may have more notches and direction changes than seen in older chil- dren or adults. The direction of the Q wave in the precordial or horizontal plane indicates the direction of septal depolarization. Normally, there is a Q wave in leads V5–V6 indicating depolarization from left to right. Normal values of Q wave amplitudes vary with the lead and with age. Q wave amplitudes may be as high Task Force Report 1333as 0·55 mV in lead III or 0·33 mV in aVF at 1 month. Q wave duration >30 ms is abnormal. The appearance of secondary r waves (r or R) in the right chest leads is frequent in normal neonates. Davignon et al.[3] provided ‘normal’ values in infants. The use of 2nd and 98th percentiles to define normality implies that 4% of the population are ‘abnormal’ for any given single measurement, so ‘normal’ ranges have to be interpreted with caution (Table 1). Thomaidis et al. published normal voltages from healthy term and premature neonates[13].QT interval The QT interval is the interval between the beginning of the QRS complex and the end of the T wave. The QT measurement should be made in leads II, V5, and V6 with the longest value being used. The main difficulty lies in identifying correctly the point where the descending limb of the T wave intersects the isoelectric line. Due to the fast heart rate of infants the P wave may be superimposed on the T wave, particularly when the QT interval is prolonged. In this case, the end of the T wave should be extrapolated by drawing a tangent to the downslope of the T wave and considering its intersection with the isoelectric line. The QT interval duration changes with rate and it is usually corrected (QTc) by using Bazett’s formula. Cor- rection of the QT interval requires a stable sinus rhythm without sudden changes in the RR interval. QTc is equal to QT interval in seconds divided by the square root of the preceding RR interval in seconds. To avoid time- consuming calculations, a simple chart (Fig. 1) where the value of QTc is easily obtained by matching QT and RR interval in millimetres (given the paper speed at 25 mm . s1) has been produced. When heart rate is particularly slow or fast the Bazett’s formula may not be accurate in the correction but it remains the standard for clinical use. The mean QTc on the 4th day of life is 40020 ms[1] and, at variance with the adult, no gender differences are present[14]. Therefore, the upper normal limit of QTc (2 standard deviations above the mean, corresponding to the 97·5 percentile) is 440 ms. By definition, 2·5% of normal newborns are expected to have a QTc greater than 440 ms. In healthy infants there is a physiological prolongation of QTc by the second month (mean 410 ms) followed by a progressive decline[15], so that by the sixth month QTc returns to the values recorded in the first week.Pitfalls with QT measurement. Despite its apparent simplicity the measurement of the QT interval is fraught with errors. The simple fact that a small square on the ECG paper is equivalent to 40 ms explains why healthy scepticism should accompany claims of clinical impor- tance attached to very small degrees of ‘QT prolon- gation’. An attempt should be made to measure with10 ms (1/4 of a mm) while we recognize that this may be within measurement error.ST segment and T wave ST segment elevations >1 mm above the isoelectric line are uncommon in the newborn. In neonates and infants it is better to consider as the isoelectric line the TP segment instead of the PQ segment. T waves are nor- mally quite variable in the first week of life. After 1 week, the T wave is negative in lead V1 and positive in V5–V6.Abnormal electrocardiogram in the newbornHeart rateSinus arrhythmia Since sinus arrhythmia is less pronounced at fast heart rate, neonates show a more regular rhythm than young children and adolescents, particularly in the first week of life. Sinus arrhythmia should be differentiated from wandering pacemaker, which manifests itself with a gradual change of P wave axis and morphology and that is due to a shift of the pacemaker from the sinus node to the atrium and the atrioventricular (AV) junction. Although wandering pacemaker may accompany other types of bradyarrhythmia, it has no pathologic meaning. Work-up No work-up should be necessary unless significant bradycardia coexists.Sinus tachycardia Sinus tachycardia is a sinus rhythm with a heart rate above the normal limit for age. In the newborn the upper normal limit (98th percentile) is 166 beats . min1 in the first week and 179 beats . min1 in the first month. After the sixth month the upper normal limit declines to approximately 160 beats . min1 and at 1 year is 151 beats . min1. These values have been measured from ECGs recorded when infants were awake and quiet. It has to be noted that newborn infants may transiently reach a heart rate up to 230 beats . min1. Causes. Sinus tachycardia may be a sign of any con- dition associated with an increase of cardiac output. The most frequent causes of sinus tachycardia in the neo- natal period are represented by fever, infection, anae- mia, pain, and dehydration (hypovolaemia). Other causes of sinus tachycardia include neonatal hyper- thyroidism and myocarditis, particularly when it is not proportionate to the level of fever. Myocarditis is usually, but not necessarily, associated with other clini- cal signs, such as gallop rhythm, or ECG abnormalities, including T wave changes and conduction disturbances.Eur Heart J, Vol. 23, issue 17, September 2002 ...