
格式: pdf 页数: 52 文件大小: 1MB 侵权/举报


格式: pdf 页数: 52 文件大小: 1MB
呼吸系统生理学-梁华为(Respiration2-lhw.pdf 气体交换 Gas exchange 肺换气 Pulmonary gas exchange 组织换气 Tissue gas exchange 气体交换的原理 Physical principle of gas exchange 气体扩散定律 Laws governing gas diffusion • Henry’s law – The amount of dissolved gas is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas (气体的分压) • Graham's Law – When gases are dissolved in liquids, the relative rate of diffusion of a given gas is proportional to its solubility (气体的溶解度) in the liquid and inversely proportional to the square root of its molecular mass (分子量) • Fick’s law – The net diffusion rate of a gas across a fluid membrane is proportional to the difference in partial pressure (分压), proportional to the area of the membrane (扩散面积) and inversely proportional to the thickness of the membrane (扩散距离) ...